Wagaman Primary School has approximately 25 staff including Teacher Leaders, Teachers, an Inclusion and Wellbeing Teacher, a Teacher Librarian, a Music Teacher, a Physical Education Teacher, an Aboriginal and Islander Education Worker (AIEW) and a number of Administrative and Student Support Staff.
Our school has extensive grounds which include an AFL oval, soccer field, bush tucker garden, a basketball court and a variety of playground equipment. Our Mayuma Garden was established in 2017 by the Wagaman School Council and is utilised by classes and specialist programs.
Our school building comprises four wings, with a mix of single classrooms and semi-open multi-class areas, as well as specialist rooms for music, performing arts, visual arts, library and a computer laboratory. We have a school canteen which offers a variety of recess and lunch items for students to purchase. Our school has a designated Outside School Hours Care space which is operated by Child Australia.
Wagaman Primary School has a designated school bus which allows our students to access a wide variety of learning opportunities beyond our school grounds.