Wagaman Preschool

Wagaman Preschool strives to create a happy, positive start to your child’s future education and development by providing an engaging, nurturing and supportive learning environment. We provide rich learning experiences where children have the opportunity to investigate, imagine and explore.
Our preschool program follows the Northern Territory Preschool Curriculum. The curriculum is for teachers to implement the principles and practices of the National Early Years Learning Framework (EYLF).
We provide developmentally appropriate learning experiences where children’s needs and interests are catered for. Learning through play is integral to our program and children are encouraged to develop as happy and positive individuals within our community of learners. Social skills, wellbeing, independence and oral language skills are viewed as being critical aspects of our early childhood program.
Eligibility and hours
Children are eligible to attend Wagaman Preschool at the beginning of the year if they turn 4 years of age before June 30th of that year.
Wagaman Preschool offers two session options throughout the week:
Blue group - Monday to Wednesday
Monday: 8.15am to 2.30pm
Tuesday: 8.15am to 2.30pm
Wednesday: 8.15am to 10.45am
Green group - Wednesday to Friday
Wednesday: 8.15am to 10.45am
Thursday:8.15am to 2.30pm
Friday: 8.15am to 2.30pm
Transition to Year 2

At Wagaman Primary School, our Transition to Year 2 classrooms provide a positive and caring learning environment for all children. Children learn best when they are actively engaged in purposeful learning activities.
The Australian Curriculum clearly defines what is taught in Years T – 2. Teachers are supported by Age-Appropriate Pedagogies to apply a range and balance of teaching approaches and characteristics in their classrooms. They also use their knowledge of children's interests, strengths and capabilities to identify the most effective way to teach curriculum content.
Students in our early years classes participate in a regular play-based learning. Investigations is play-based approach based on the Walker Learning pedagogy.
Teachers focus on engaging children in exciting and authentic open ended learning experiences that allow children to investigate, explore, manipulate, create and interact along with instruction in skills and knowledge in literacy, numeracy and other curriculum areas.
This approach develops children with a strong sense of self and resilience. It also supports students to develop strong skills in literacy and numeracy in a collaborative and creative environment.

Early Years Swimming
Each year, students from Transition to Year 2 are encouraged to participate in the Royal Life Saving Society’s school swimming program, ‘Swim and Survive.’
During Term 4, students travel on our school bus to our local swimming pool daily, for two weeks. They work with trained instructors to learn personal survival and water safety skills.