Students at Wagaman Primary School are offered a large variety of differentiated learning programs to cater for their diverse learning needs.
At Wagaman our literacy approach encompasses reading and viewing, writing, listening and speaking. Skills are taught explicitly at each year level and follow the sequence of the Australian Curriculum. Students engage in shared, guided and independent reading and writing opportunities during literacy lessons and across learning areas. Lessons are differentiated to meet the needs of all students.
The Wagaman Reading Workshop Framework is utilised for the teaching of reading. This involves explicit teaching, small group and independent reading opportunities. Students also utilise online programs such as Reading Eggs and Literacy Pro. These programs can be utilised at both home and school.
Sound Waves is utilised for the teaching of Spelling. The Sound Waves phonemic approach uses a sound-to-letter strategy which acknowledges that sounds can be represented more than one way in written form. This synthetic phonics approach focuses first on the basic units of sound in our language – phonemes. It then explores the letters that represent these sounds and how they can be put together to form written words. For further information on Sound Waves visit the website (please hyperlink last couple of words to website)