Instrumental Music Tuition
Students in Years 4, 5 and 6 are able to learn an instrument with visiting teachers from the NT Music School.
Small group lessons take place during the school day for half an hour each week. Children can elect to learn the guitar, percussion, brass and woodwind instruments.
For more information about the NT Music School please visit

Digital Technologies
It is an exciting time for the use of digital technologies in education, and here at Wagaman Primary School we have incorporated technology into every classroom.
Across our school, teachers are delivering meaningful programs that provide students with current, transferable skills necessary for future success. Our students have excelled in their use of modern technologies including design and coding through our schools investment in robotic hardware such as Lego EV3s, Spheros and BeeBots.
Wagaman Primary School is committed to providing every student with opportunities to create, collaborate and problem solve through the exploration of digital technologies.

Mayuma Sustainable Garden

This small community garden began as a seedling project in 2016 and has continued to grow.
Originally developed by several school council parents and a few teachers, the garden is now becoming a flourishing focus for our school's environmental and sustainability programs, linking real life projects and problems to curriculum content and classroom activities.
The garden consists of a range of edible plants grown seasonally.
School Sports
Wagaman Primary School is a highly active school with large, well-kept grounds that give students plenty of space. This includes multi-age playgrounds, a soccer field, a football oval and a basketball court.
Our whole school fitness program runs in the mornings of Terms 2 and 3 and led by our Year 5/6 students.
Inter and intra-school sport is played on Friday mornings for Years 3 to 6.
Our school offers a wide range of after school sporting options which include AFL and netball teams. Our Year 3 and 4 students regularly participate in coach delivered sporting programs funded by the Australian Government's Sporting Schools grant. Sports have included golf, tennis, baseball, tenpin bowling, squash, judo, gymnastics and rugby.

Early Years students at Wagaman Primary School have weekly Library lessons that focus on the development of Literacy and Information Literacy skills.
Our Library program aims to foster in students a love and appreciation of literature. Borrowing on a regular basis across all classes from Transition to Year 6 is highly encouraged.

SEDA, Stars and Clontarf

SEDA, Stars and Clontarf programs offer opportunities for middle school and senior school students to participate in mentoring and buddy opportunities for our students at Wagaman Primary.
SEDA College students regularly undertake placements at Wagaman Primary and work closely with our Physical Education teacher to run sporting workshops.
Stars supports Indigenous girls and Clontarf supports Indigenous boys by peer mentoring opportunities. Our students, together with Stars and Clontarf students, participate in engaging activities to develop self-esteem, confidence and life-skills.