Inquiry Based Learning

At Wagaman Primary School we assist our students to learn through both explicit teaching and through Inquiry Based Learning. We believe wholeheartedly that there is space for both in our dynamic learning environments.
Inquiry Based Learning allows our students to explore learning and gain skills. Students learn how to use their knowledge and skills by thinking critically, applying knowledge to new situations, analysing information, comprehending new ideas and communicating them through a collaborative approach. In our classrooms teachers support students to investigate questions and problems that incorporate their individual curiosity about the world around them. At its very heart, inquiry is about investigation and the goal of our teachers is to nurture learner agency. We assist our students to make choices around their learning and take responsibility for designing ways to make their learning happen.
Learner Assets
Teachers at Wagaman Primary School empower students to be inquiry learners. There is an emphasis on how learning is taking place alongside what students are learning. Following the Kath Murdoch learner assets students are explicitly taught the skills and dispositions for lifelong learning. The learner assets encourage students to be researchers, thinkers, collaborators, self-managers and communicators across all areas of learning.
Visible Learning

At Wagaman Primary School we are working to make learning visible. We are implementing teaching strategies that maximise a teacher’s impact on student learning and developing a highly effective learning culture. Students and teachers engage in discussions about learning, learning strategies and achievement data. Some visible learning strategies that we use include:
Learning Intentions & Success Criteria
These help students understand what they are learning and where they are heading in their learning journey.
Giving and receiving useful and timely feedback is a strong component of our learning community.
Student Goal Setting
Students engage in learning discussions and set goals for their own learning. They then work both independently and with their teachers to monitor and achieve these goals.
Growth Mindset
Students with a growth mindset understand that they can get smarter through hard work. They look forward to challenges and see mistakes as part of the learning process. They persist even when tasks are challenging and use feedback to continue to grow. The explicit teaching of growth mindset is an important component of teaching and learning at Wagaman.