Students at Wagaman Primary School have access to additional support to address their individual learning needs. Our Inclusion and Wellbeing Teacher oversees these important programs and provides support for students in their classes. We have a number of staff employed to support the needs of our students, including an Aboriginal and Islander Education Worker (AIEW), Teaching Assistants and a Special Education Support Assistant.
Our students with identified learning needs receive support in their learning. Each student with an identified need has an Educational Adjustment Plan (EAP) which outlines achievable goals. Their EAP is developed in consultation with Student Support (Department of Education), the student’s teacher, the Inclusion and Wellbeing Teacher and the parents. The EAP is monitored and reviewed during parent teacher interviews and reported on in Semester 1 and Semester 2.
Our school has a number of key intervention programs including:
- speech and language groups in our early years
- social skills programs with links to our Mayuma garden and Bunnings
- self-regulation programs with links to Rock and Water